Underneath the Surface


New York City Subway, Ruby and Jack making their way from 14th St. Union Square to meet Jack's parents for dinner.


Remi: 25 years old, newly moved to the city to begin her career as a graphic design artist, short and petit light skin and large brown almond shaped eyes.

Jack: 32 year old, heart surgeon, tall and thin, caramel skin and small green eyes has lived here all his life.


Jack: So, how was work today?

Remi: Eh, it was ok. Pretty boring and typical day at the office, you?

Jack: It was crazy! We had this homeless guy come in with a knife literally sticking out of this head.

Remi: What the hell, I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that sort of shit. I would have fainted at the sight of him. (laughing)

(Train comes to an abrupt stop in between Grand Central Station and 59th St. Lexington Ave.)

Jack: Well this is just fantastic. (Sarcastically)

Remi: Chill out, I'm sure we'll be moving shortly.

(Lights begin to flicker on and on, before coming to a complete black out.)

Jack: What the fuck.

Remi: Does this happen a lot ? (Worried tone)

Jack: Every now and then we get the occasional black out, nothing to worry about.

(Announcement over the pa system from the train conductor. "I have just been informed that their has been some sort of incident up ahead, please hold tight we should be moving momentarily, thank you.")

Remi: Jesus, of course this would happen today.

Jack: Don't worry. Hopefully, we make it home in time to meet my parents for dinner. They're always so uptight about punctuation.

(20 minutes go, the conductor comes back onto the PA system. Attention, I was just informed that are facing some sort of being attacking train goers from the train ahead. We are unsure of the situation. If you are able to get out from the train through the sliding doors by all means please do so! This is not a drill!")

Remi: Oh my god, what the hell? 

Jack: What the fuck is happening?

(A worried panic goes through the train, people loudly discussing what they should do. A man looks through the glass of the train cart ahead of them and sees something unfathomable, numerous "beings" attacking passengers. Ripping into their flesh with the teeth. The man screams and Jack runs over to see what all the commotion is about.)

Jack: Holy shit! We need to get off this train right now! Everyone go, go, go! 

(The passengers bust through the sliding doors to the last train cart causing commotion throughout the last car. Just as the "zombies" break through the car they are all frantically attempting to get out of.)

Remi: (Crying) We have to get out! I don't want to die Jack!

Jack: We're going to be ok! Just don't look back keep moving!

(Just as they reach the final door.)

Remi: It's locked! Jack the door is locked!

(As the group of passengers turn around, they see the "zombies" break into the car they are in. They start ripping through the flesh of the passengers closest to them.)

Jack: We have to get around them, so we can go out through the middle section.

Remi: Are you mad? How are we going to get around them?! They will rip us to pieces, Jack.

Jack: We don't have another choice. We will die here if we stay here, so we might as well try.

(The group of 5 others agree that it's their last and only option.)

Jack: Ok, everyone find something to use as a weapon. 

(The group finds various items to use as weapons such as canes, skateboards and baseball bats. As they make their way through to the sliding door fighting off the zombies they reach the door just as Remi is grabbed by one of the "zombies."


(Scene Ends.)


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